CCPU Training Intensive Peer Employee Application

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Leadership and Values Alignment

Program Roles and Responsibilities

All roles below are open to child care providers, licensed and Family, Friend and Neighbor providers. 

Peer Leader
Peer Leaders lead monthly gatherings of 15 providers who are enrolled in the Educator Led Communities of Care. This is a great position for those who would like to facilitate community building and mutual support amongst family childcare educators.

Peer Facilitator
Peer facilitators lead trainings on business development and/or child development for family child care educators. Trainings are conducted in person and online and attendance can range from 35 to 500 people depending on the format.

Intensive Peer Mentor
Intensive mentors work 1-1 with another family child care provider. Mentors work with their mentee to set SMART goals related to their family child care work. Mentors meet consistently with their mentee for a number of months to support them to reach their goals.

Technical Assistance Peer Mentor
Technical assistance mentors support fellow family childcare educators to develop their knowledge of basic technological skills and how to utilize them in the field of childcare. Technical assistance mentors should be comfortable supporting their peers to use organizational tools, such as Excel and Word, and using a laptop computer.

Business and Professional Development

All roles below are open to child care providers, licensed and Family, Friend and Neighbor providers. Please skip any questions not relevant to you. The questions below relate to potential topics that you could be leading as a facilitator.

Education & Training

Availability and Tech Proficiency

Highly Proficient - Navigates and utilizes Google systems with ease; able to troubleshoot issues and offer guidance to others.
Proficient - Can effectively use Google systems with minimal assistance.
Approaching Proficient - Understands basic functions of Google systems; needs occasional help with more complex functions
Not Proficient - Limited experience and requires frequent assistance navigating Google systems.

Highly Proficient - Navigates and utilizes Zoom with ease; able to troubleshoot issues and offer guidance to others.
Proficient - Can effectively use Zoom with minimal assistance.
Approaching Proficient - Understands basic functions of Zoom; needs occasional help with more complex functions.
Not Proficient - Limited experience and requires frequent assistance navigating Zoom

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